Breakdown or Breakthrough…Both will serve you well

There is ALOT happening this month energetically and in the cosmos. We are half way through. This month, we are being invited to slow down, reflect, transform, and by the end of this month, we will be ready to activate and take action from a new space. 

Mercury Retrograde ( April 1-25) allows us to contemplate the following: Do our ideas, words, and action align in harmony to the authenticity of our business? If it is, how can we go deeper? If not, we have time to recalibrate. Reassess how we can align our actions and communication. 

Within this time period, there are other jolting aspects that help us with this contemplation and reflection.

Firstly, Total Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Aries: Portals to introspection + a Catalyst for transformation and an awakened breakthrough: April 8-10 + following 2 weeks:

A major shake up for all of us as a collective. We are being asked to bring what lies in the shadows to the forefront for us to look at to transform and transmute into what you wish to change. Feeling through all the emotions to release what has been suppressed internally, requires us to trust in our inner strength and integrate what you wish to take on your new and upleveled journey and path. 

A balance between light and darkness. A preparation for transformation that is brewing. A turning point in our destiny and a preparation for a new start despite obstacles. 

What we acknowledge, we can transmute and allow things to unfold as they should. This is our opportunity to tune in, and deeply align with our true purpose essence, and honour our interconnectedness as one. 

This requires patience, strength, and determination to ignite our warrior spirit to heal and unlock our inner self confidence .  Let go of control is the secret.

Why does this matter? What am I sharing? 

As founders of conscious businesses, when we are able to tune into the collective, it enables you to meet your community and customers where they are at, be an ally, and connect authentically. This is our duty as we commit to stewarding our businesses to elevate the collective consciousness to one’s highest potential. 

Mercury Retrograde is giving us time to reflect, reassess, and recalibrate on how we relate to each other through our actions and communication. As we navigate an identity shift in our desires and values, we are moving into a space of identity growth aligned in our decision making. Unrealistic expectations set for ourselves coming from a place of scarcity with unrealistic deadlines and actions that aren’t fully thought through because we want to rush to the finish line will be a waste of our resources: time, energy, and money. Customers will be able to feel into this short circuited energy and resolve to seek out something that they can feel into that feels like home. 

Nothing will happen overnight. Keep this in the forefront of all communication and actions toward your business, knowing there is a shift happening. Dance and weave with this shift and allow our new identity, vision, and desires to unfold because we are operating from a new space where as a collective, our mindset, the way we envision our lives and desires have shifted. 

Wait………We are not done yet….

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus – April 20th with energy continue into May and June

If we have taken the time the reflect, reassess, and started our plot twist in operating from this new space, there will be creative breakthroughs, radical new beginnings, and big shifts in liberation in love, money, beauty, abundance, values, nature and body – allowing us to free ourselves from an outdated and stubborn comfort zone. 

Ask yourself how you are safeguarding your business for growth and expansion in this new space? Strategic long term planning is required. We will feel disruption, pressure, and upheaval before the new is revealed. Like a carbon under pressure, the diamond reveals itself in time. 

Looking to the past and comparing to what was will only lead to frustration. If we are impulsive for short term gains, thinking we will garner the desired results because it happened for others, our projected outcomes will be miscalculated. 

It’s all about practical achievable goals vs. fantastical ambition. 

This is the opportunity to clear away illusions and embrace a more authentic and grounded perspective of our business. Grounding our actions into reality allows space for insights - this is why strategic planning for every aspect and touch point to your business is crucial  now and moving forward. Commit to your long term goals with reverence while giving space as we as a collective transition into this new way of being, thinking, and reassessment of what we value. 

Ensure your marketing strategy and plan mirrors your financial modeling. 

Finally, we have Full moon in Scorpio: April 24 

Emotional intensity brings a sense of rawness, depth and determination to heal and clear out all that has blocked us from moving forward and upleveling. Stay committed and accept what can no longer be. Let go of what doesn’t serve you. 

If we have done the work, by the Full Moon in Scorpio, there will have been a resolution to what you may have been working through. You will have found clarity, felt the shift, and begun creating and navigating your new roadmap on how to take your next step forward. This will be the beginning of your 2.0 version of you personally and professionally. 

Reclaiming your power and authenticity – saying no to what doesn’t feel right for you and acknowledging there is always more than one truth, more than one way to approach life and your business.  

We each have our own journey, and as a collective, this shake up removes elements that no longer serve and support our authentic self. Snake shedding its skin. Letting go. 

It is nuanced and for conscious businesses to thrive, this acknowledgement on how to navigate this truth will be the key to your success. What worked in the past no longer serves the collective because whether we are conscious of it or not, awareness of desires, values, and realities are shifting. 

By the end of April, as a collective, we will have fully birthed a new. A caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Carbon becoming a diamond. 

All of this requires careful planning - strategy. Stay vigilant and aware of shifts and allow ourselves to be comfortable in the unknown, yet with radical certainty of our mission, purpose, and commitment to stewardship of elevating consciousness through our business. 

Authentic expressions of our being with honesty to ourselves about our limitations, fears and the realities we are avoiding is how you will thrive personally and professionally. 

When we have our ah- moments, ask, “how are we grounding them into reality? How are we taking action in an authentic way that mirrors our mission, purpose, and ethos.” 

To your success xx

artist: @hisuzanne


Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci


When Size Matters…