Pluto’s Powerful Position + Your business in 2024

When I’m not working with clients, I am a passionate and curious student in Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Reiki Healing, Eastern Philosophy, and recently, Numerology.


My curiosity lies in how they are all interconnected in the 3D world that we are living in, and how we can use these modalities as guideposts to break our Samsara cycles , gain greater wisdom, and elevate our consciousness and live according to our purpose.

The other evening during my meditation, I received a download: Pluto in Capricorn.

I referenced the Moon Omen’s article I saved back in October. You can read it here.

Moon Omen’s article pragmatically and tangibly explains the meaning behind Pluto in Capricorn and it’s toggle between Capricorn + Aquarius; settling in Aquarius in November 2024 for 20 years. We are at a pinnacle point of change, closing out the cycle that long started in 2008. The beginning of the Great Financial Recession.

Old structures began to crumble, harsh truths began to reveal themselves, and we have been face our own shadows and integrate them. Since then, many people have gone through dark nights of soul, if not more than one since then.

Yet, if we dare, reframe it as the beginning of a rebirth.

What does this mean for our world and for us as individuals?

Profound and deep-rooted transformation in external power, sovereignty, internal structures, and clarity into our own sacred souls and internal dialogue.

 What does this mean moving forward?

 We are given a grand opportunity to transmute what does not serve us into love and let go of what does not belong to us to make space for what does that is in alignment with our soul’s purpose.


As we move through December and into the new year, find stillness and contemplate on what serves you professionally and personally.

Are you living in a space of authenticity both personally and professionally?

As an entrepreneur, why are you building and creating what you building and creating? Who are you serving? Are you leading authentically from your heart?

Reflect on your wins and set guideposts for what you want to achieve in 2024. Look at the gap between the two and ask yourself if you have the tools and guidance to help you get there.

You and the business you are building are needed as a conduit to transcend each and every one of us to become our highest self. With fervent devotion to our health, wellbeing, and most importantly, the reverence and love for our Mother Earth.

In support of your success,

Nadia xx

