Staying in your lane

What does that mean? More often than not, as an entrepreneur, we don’t give ourselves the space for that inner stillness. The inner quiet that allows us to make the decisions that is right for our business. We react vs. taking the time to assess. We work on the conventional timetable vs. the one that is right for us. We look externally to see what others are doing and following suite because we perceive they garnered the success that we are after.


What if we accept that what we see is merely a fraction of what really is? Then, what would you do? Wouldn’t you want the whole picture before deciding if something is right for you or not?

How do we know?

I recently heard my mentor share that most founders value their time at $1,000/hour. Yet, how many tasks do we do that are LESS than the amount we attribute to that produces our hourly value and how many people would love to take on the task for LESS than our hourly value? What a reframe!

He shared that most of us don’t delegate or ask for help because of spiritual issues/limiting beliefs we face as low self worth, fear of losing control, or a limited cultural belief. WOW!

A quick way I have learned to break out of this cycle: find your inner stillness and inner quiet and ask, ‘what is the intent of the heart?’ From this place, you will find that the external noise quiets and if we allow, we are able to hear the answers and our next steps.

Sometimes, it may not be what we expect to hear. When we learn to trust our intuition and step outside of our comfort zone, we actually stay in our own lane and we are able reach our next milestone with the least amount of resistance and a greater ROI.

Give yourself the time and space for the inner quietness.

To your success xx

artist:Guy Bourdin | 1978


Reflecting on the 2024 US Elections


Founder Mode, Balance Mode because Burnout is Real